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Aransiola Fakorode

A Forbidden Mansion of Troubles

The interesting outline of our current predicament, has opened a foretaling stories of manly attitudes, and professional conductance with each other, without necessitating to provide for people that, in need and are want, of proprietary rights to provide over matters that are disturbing our own inquietude with each other, on matters that have afforded, our own common lodgings for souls that are at rest, and are in need of suitable habitat, to survive on, even in distinct, weather conditions of life, as we would have assured ourselves, vehemently; on the common need to foretell the stories of humanity, on our own aboding, wealthy, and working wonders of the days of our youth, when inspiteful, but yet delightful attentions, are at our own important mindly aspects for ourselves, without disregarding that common attributes that would had set us apart from each other, even knowing when to proceed, with the allotment of data respectively; on the common peace that we would had with each other; on the provisions of our own resources; on the interesting highlight of design, and common origin of friendship, and amicable love-affairs with people, of all degree of excellence, and perfect doctrine of hopeful perspicacity, in our modern-day endeavors, of ourselves; on that same philosophical standpoints that we would had to see each other; on that same glorious comebacks with each other; on that same need, to project crisis, from all angles of life, and that distinct period of kindness, in our hearts of beyond, and ultimate gospel of importance, in our modern day-to-day method of enlivening ourselves; on that same reassurance that we would had with each other; on that need that life would be based that we would not be seeing, no longer; on that common ethics of hospitable tourism, and mindly interactions with one-another; on that same grounding logic, to profess ourselves, as ourselves, and our names, as our names, and our method receiving each other, as each other; and on all those things that are important to our own common mindsets, of our philosophical training of mindsets, and level of logical proclamations of our own divinity and deity to ourselves. The factual information of the matter is that we have not forgotten to remember ourselves again, nor have we not being able to remove ourselves, from all those god-damn-dosctrines-of-life-that-destroyed-that-had-destroyed-our-own-mindsets-with-each-other, possibly because of all of those crisis that are facing us, and all those interesting rememorial focusing on ourselves, as people, who have acquired any one of those new religions again, and that same need to see ourselves everyday, not because we have nothing to offer, but being that we have reached that same goal and destination of life, and upon that same common antidote of ourselves, and even on all of these things that we had committed ourselves to, regarding that same feeling and tendency, not disappoint each other, when confronted with glorious crisis of life. The excelling news of the matter is that we have not fully, and capably being able to comfort ourselves, as we ought to, without disregarding common frame of mindsets that locked into that same destructive hell fire of our own longing, and spiritual indoctrination of our present state-of-mind, as we would foretold, and on even on all of these things, we must not provide for each other, without having to necessarily reprocreate with ourselves, as we have always being doing; it is that when we come into that highlight with ourselves, we would always keep reminding ourselves that there is that same reason, to always follow the gospel as strict and close, as we should and could, and without having to project our destructive discipline to ourselves from that time-being with ourselves, respectively and as we should, infact in that same highlight, to preserve our perfect justice, with each other, on that common ground of professional justice, and peaceful coexistence with other, as one body in our own christ-the-lord-of-hosts, on that fact we have stood that is not what we have suggested that we should follow, but on that same grounding principle with one-another, as you would had thought. I never expects any of those wicked mankind disgraceful disorder from any of you, neither that same authority to project that same willing of our souls to our own mankind, as we would ought to, and even in our own common discipline with ourselves, on all of those matter that had disturbed us, over much and all of those period of crisis, confessing from the bottom of my heart-and-soul-unto-you, as I would had thought that it is not the new revival that must quench my soul but that longing of a hear-and-mind-and-spirit in one heart of fellowship with each other, from that same frame of mind, and aspect of our existence among each other, as we would have thought, even on all of those things that had made life unbearable for our own existence, and for that same reason, we would have to think that we had overcame, all the turmoil, and audacity of life, without having to keep producing that same disgusting delicacy for ourselves, as we would have thought, even on that same need to exercise merciful kindness to each other, in that same philosophical truth that rendered disabled, and unable to cope with our own adversities in life, that being the conditions that had deteriorated, our own common means of existing amicably with one-another, as we would had; while producing that same logic that has set us apart from each other everyday; while destroying that same perfect peace that destroyed, our own common intuitions with our own selves; while opening our own government that same kindness that occluded our own visions, everyday; while yearning to disappoint that same groundwork that we had laid for ourselves, everyday; while foreboding that same philosophical standpoints of our own selves; while disowning our own comfort, and relationship with each other; while proffering not much, but that same need to keep thinking about ourselves, without any need to provide for each other, when knowing that we have not being able to see ourselves, on the moral fact that we have not being able to conduct our own astute morality, on that common ground that we could not provide and supply for each other. To recount the tales of all of the parables of the world, I would state, herein, simply and blatantly that we have not reached, our utmost, peaceful state of existence, appreciably; we have not provided for ourselves, all those discipline and doctrines that had governed, our common intelligence with each other, without knowing what we were saying, and without foreselling people's properties, ahead of their own prediction from the ration of the stock-prices, and national mural of securities, and secured procedural withdrawal of information, from people of all moral standpoints, and engagement of life, and without having to keep destroying that same longing for our own souls,\ as we had ought to, respectively and appreciatively. I would state, herein, pointedly and perspicaciously, that we had reached a common interest, in our own fight, journey, an battle for survival; we had reached that point when all we had labored for, had to be destroyed, coherently, without informing anyone, about that destruction, at that same point in our lives; we must always, guard and keep that place, otherwise, terrorism would ensue; we must keep protecting it; otherwise, would be unable to produce future outcomes on that longing desires, for ourselves; that being that we must always, and continuously prepare ourselves for that same battle of survival, and opening possibilities of enjoyment, and rewarding scenarios of peace-and-loving-relationship with each other, we must not allow ourselves to be led astray, lest of being thrown in the public incinerator and compactor of destruction, as we would had opposed; we must keep reminding ourselves that we had reached that same outline of our own being, without necessarily having to disengage our loyal, and committed royalists, in that same philosophical need, to see each other; we must not keep meeting ourselves, day-to-day; we must keep seeing ourselves as failure; we must not keep seeing our own foretellings of ourselves, and our own people, in that same minds of perfect opportunity with people, and by that same minding of our own business, wherever we had laid it; we must not forget that same reason that we let people down, during our past campaigning, and fundraising for humanity-needs and -wants, as we would envisioned, but on that same premise that we had, placed all of those importance against them that ignored and abandoned, our own common peace with one another, and even without needing to inform and tell us about our common dignities and sufferings for each other, on this and that, on that and on this, on that, this on this, that on that, that on this, and this on that, we have reached that same peaceful relationship with one-another.

The need to project our existence to our modern humankind, as opposed and preposed, all of those spirits to perceive ourselves, as we would ought to, and that is not the love and desire to see each other that failed us, but that same driving spirit that enabled us to this present period, and modern human-days; all of those needs to protect ourselves, have been interesting to our own keeping of our own moralities; have being that same founding reasons to see ourselves everyday; of that same knowledge to consult and consulate ourselves, on all of those logics that had prepared us to our current time period of supposing informational necessities for ourselves, and on those common basic, to keep remind ourselves that we have not that much to offer, in our present day-to-day living and survival provisions; and that we have reached that same wants, to keep providing for one-another, on that same ground of just attention, and equitarian provisions of wealthy mindsets for each other, and our fellow human being, in that same respect and respite for each other, on that common thing that had set us apart from each other; on that founding principles that we had accepted in our own lives, but yet, could not ascertain how to commission ourselves, for all of those effects of life, appreciably and interestingly. It is not that we have completely disallowed our own conducts to reach us, in our own delights with one-another, but it is that we have reached falling ground of disgraceful misconductance with one-another, from that same standing frame of justice, and civic disavow of one-another, as we would had thought; we must profess that we had not being reaching any of those goals that we had labored, our hearts, and minds into; we must not be unable to profess that same love, discipline, desire, and love of christ, into our own heart, without leaving space for any of those information that would be later released, by our marketing partners, all over the world, and in and around the global economical trading-systems of networking and design of information for public announcements and releasal; we must not be unable to show ourselves, what we are incapable of doing, in our own modern lives; we must not be able concentrate on that same wants and desires, for one another. We must think evilly against ourselves, without knowing that same true just cause of actions; we must not provide for each other, without when we must produce that same quality of informational releasal of ourselves, to our fellow human-beings; we must not refuse to destroy our own properties, without not necessarily having not being able to proceed from this truth of morality, on that kingship of life, and kingly duties of the world, without not knowing when we would keep, continuing our own survival in ourselves, and for one-another, as we would have opposed, and without not knowing, how to imitate that same openness that we had experienced in our current modern battle, with each other, on that same founding and grounding principles, for our own logical frames of minds, not to state of, of all those contributions that we would had to chose from ourselves, even from all of the common perspectives that destroyed our own common place, with ourselves, on the goods of lives that we commonly cared about; without know what it is that we should be expecting from all those, who had to labor for our own profitable embarking on wise-approach to maintaining perfect justice, among ourselves, and with each other; and without knowing all those doctrines that we should see from our fellow human-beings; we must not think against others, as if they are not like us; we must not display irrevocable modern common methods of projecting informational allowance to people, on all civic disallowance, and disuse of dutiful commissioning with ourselves, on all of those things that we had provided the world, on our behalf. We had not, really and quite to say, enjoyed that same perfect state-of-mind that we had for each other, in all of our crisis, but that is through it all, we would had to overcome, our own fears, and doctrines, and comfort in life; we must not be unable to project our own existence from each other, as if we are unable to protect all of those modern human rights that had, completely destroyed our longing, and iniquities, for each other, without knowing when to process any of these information, in our own affairs of life; we must not, really, think against our own need to proceed with monetary transfer and transport of data, against that same need and wants to keep maintaining that same relationship that we had placed, install for ourselves, over all of those period of time; we must not process that we do not have any of those common places, for ancestors to step-down into, and to provide for our own comforts, and daily need for survival and provisions; we must not think that we had overcame, all those common peace, and longing for the soul of man, we must think against ourselves, without fully confessing, our outright and peaceful coexistence with each other, and in brethren and sister relationship with one-another, and by that same fact, we had meant that our own way of proving for ourselves had completely destroyed, our own method of safe-keeping for our own survival, even without necessarily having to know, all the quietness that enveloped our life, on all moral standpoints, and philosophical doctrine, without having to know that we have more powerful possessions that any other, on this globe and in the universe; without having to think against our own need; without possibly, not necessarily having to anoint ourselves, against all immorality and evil conducts of the world, without showing that we have same interests in our own spiritual-studies with ourselves, on any and all of the matter, at hands; without focusing on those possible opportunities that had beclouded, our own sense of justice for each other, for on all of these common grounding principles and logical endeavors of humanity, have we established the fact that we had disavowed, our own common discipline and reasonable rationality for each other, on that common grounding logic of hope, trust, faithfulness, mercy, and blessed assurances of peaceful conducts among each other, and that being that we do not provide for all those, who are in need, and are in want of proprietary information to release to the world; and without knowing to present the matter to the people at all times, and without knowing that is the perfect, riped time, for our own recommitment with one-another, as we would had thought, despicably and respectively. We would not had to suppose ourselves, against all those militaristic method of ensuring oathful disavow of data, for further resource partitioning, and all sides, all of those abilities to be able to provide, for all of those that in need; without having to necessarily destroy that same common principles, and logical intention that we had set for each other; without having to know what, where, when, why, and how of informational reporting, and data-system journalism; on that we have settled our spiritual longing, and heartful confessions that we could not overcome, all these battles and iniquities of life; that we had been unable to provide for one-another, as we would had chosen, without desperately not seeking that points of opportunities to resolve that, open-truths with one another; we must not profess that have not being able to supply all these people, with same feeling of unimportance, and immorality, without letting them know, about that possible futoral commitments to ourselves, as people, who have labored, and committed that peaceful conduct of righteousness, which on that we have laid our assertions of humankind, and mankind, in history and cultural revolution with ourselves; on that premise, we had disagreed and disallowed, all of those reasons that would detract us, from following each other, and having that relationship with ourselves; we must not continuously provide for all those, people, who are in need; we must not keep, ensuring that same disasters against each other, when we do not know, how foretell the counts and tales of the future, and past experiences; we must know when have to keep understanding our own nature, in our own mindsets; we must not continue to keep laboring for our own mindful, neglections of our own duties, as we would had opposed, as even we would have, without recounting any tales and unfruitful experiences of war, and evil conducts, of peaceful relationship among each other, and our fellow brethren; we must not think each other to an end, without openly and engagingly, firstly, denying all those attributable rights of ourselves that had prevented us, from achieving that same of fellowship and relationship, among ourselves, as we would ought to; on that premise, we have not provided an opportunity to reimitate our own methods of living, peacefully, and among each other, as we would had supposed, without knowing ourselves, on our most common, ultimate, and intimate periodical ascension of ourselves, without fully regarding our moral conducts, on all of those things that counts as hospitable reuse of information, on all of those grounds, of common philosophical training of our mind; without necessarily having to disconcern people, over all of those rightful matters that fully concernes us, even to that present crisis that we are in; on that premise, we had labored against, all those powers of darkness that had prevented you, from reaching your own goals, ambitions, prophecies, and fruitful coexistence with each other, and among ourselves; on the premise that we had refused to keep showing that same needing prove that we have all of the informational justice of the world, against all our own stupendous survival, in an ability to be able to change, all of the existing aspects of the world; we must not disobey all of the doctrines, and peaceful coexistence that had governed our own common mindsets, even on that ground of common justice that we had laid for each other, over all of those period of times, without having to let know, what we have been expecting ourselves, over all of those period of time; we would not think that process of relaying data and information had destroyed that same common longing, and desire for our soul, and all of those counts that we could not rehearse for ourselves, over all of those period of time; we would think that we had reached that successful period in humanity, when lifehood and living potential had escaped our common public atmosphere, to exist, in a common original wonder of the world, and on that premise, I have chosen showcase myself, as one who has, and had fully inherited, all of the properties to the law, as would had been explained, irrationally. I would not think that there are other ways to provide all of these information, other those needs to foresee the future for ourselves; I would not know, when we had to choose that same, amicable status for our own longing, and spiritual development, over all of those period of time; I would not state that the fear that we had had in each other had prevented us from reaching that same grounding framework of our own beings, and existence; I would not think that we have not being to reach that utmost point of our own perfections, even in the disregard that there is not that much to supply to people, on all of those popular mindsets that we had lived on; I would and should state that is not we do not know, what to think about people that had prevented us, from ascertaining these period of crisis, and immorality; but among all of those things that I should ascertain, is that same dangerous need to destroy that same structure and architectural need to be with ourselves, as we would had supposed.

On all of these things, we had created for ourselves, that same amicable nature of our own being that had prevented us, from reaching our goals and careers in life; I should not think that we had disagreed with each other that had prevented ourselves, from reaching that same states of righteousness, and that is not we do not know, what we have that commonly and popularly recreated our spiritual organizations of ourselves, as we would had thought; and that is not that we do not know when to provide information to the people that had continuously envisage that same relationship that we had chosen to set for ourselves; and that is not because, we do not know when to prevent information, kindly and respectably that had, comfortably unhindered our common ways of appreciating each other, even in that same descent respect of providing for another person, in that same condition of hospitable judgement; we would not think that we have being able to prove our kindness to people, without forecasting that same willful spirits of love, and wondering mankind, and even on all of those necessities of life, and not speak of all the modern amenities of our own existing survival, to prevent that common delay of information, on our own grounding justice of peace, without needing to provide all of those people, who are in need, and are in debilitating conditions, to seek kindness from people, of people, of farthest sight, and abroad-justice-of-acquisitions-and-accomplishments, being that we have not reached that same fruitful gain, on our own interesting knowledge of ourselves to people, of mankind origin, and professional destination; and without having to keep foretelling, all of those future story of tomorrow; without having to keep providing for many people, who are in need; without necessarily to keep showing ourselves that we have more than unis, against all of those circumstances of the world; we would not have to keep supporting each other, in our everyday, regular basis with each other; without having to keep showing each other, prove of knowledge, and information indoctrination, on all grounds of justice, and civic disavow of data relations management; without necessarily needing to keep showing each other that same way way to hell fire, and that unfruitful kingdom of disobedience, and disloyal conducts of mindsets, and following serious committed relationships to people, and their animal resources, and all of their properties; without having to keep reiterating that same concept of professional rationality, with other like ourselves; without having to know, how much we had gained and labored ourselves to, over all of those period of crisis, and total commitments, to all of those living aspects of ourselves, in our everyday battle, to approach that same living kingdom that we had built for ourselves, overtime, and in one of the most desperate, cause for justice of the spirit, when which we would have to keep smiling, at all of those facts, that we had constructed for ourselves, over all of those period of time; when which, we would not have to keep protecting that same inclining secrecies of our current time-period, as we would had thought; even in all of the present conditions of mankind, and those important duties that had served for each other, especially on that moral aspect to exist for that kingdom of our savior, on that civic ground of our own philosophy with each other, and on that common understanding that we had existed for ourselves, over all of those common period of times.

We did not just proceed with the conforming selling of accruals and data analysis of our own selves, and on the common logistic that we would unable to provide our resources for all others that are unable to reach future potentials, against ourselves; that we would not need to keep foretelling that same horrors of humanity, and the terrors of humankind, and that we would always keep, showing ourselves that same need and reason, not be and exist, in our own perfect peace, and interesting relationship with one-another; on that we would not have to keep smiling about ourselves, on that philosophical ground immoral justice, and common truths of humanity and hospitality; on that we would not have to keep smiling about our own disloyalty, and interesting points of our own perceptions with each other, and we would not have to keep showing each other, all of those immoralities that had been disturbing our peaceful conducts with each other; and on that, and all of this principle, had I based my own philosophical arguments, and reasoning, and rationality, and treatise to keep showing ourselves that same need, urge, and popular desire, to configure our opportunistic provisions of our souls to ourselves, as we might have thought; without having to necessarily provide that same common feeling of peace, and delightful enjoyment of life, over all of those period of times, even in our own interesting discussions with one-another; as if we do not know, when to keep approaching that kingdom of our savior, without any of those prompt delay of mankind; without knowing, all of those facts that are to be expected from following up with ourselves on that same grounding logic, and philosophical prove on our own moral standard, and normal construction of our own intimate peace with one another, as if we had inherited that same title for ourselves, as if we had kept that same reason, to keep continuing for all of the future generations; as if we had keep providing it, to our fellow humankind; as if we had kept the demonstration of our own peaceful relationship with ourselves, even on that same common grounding open-mindedness, and on that same feeling to appreciate our own considerate liking for ourselves, as if we had continued living for our fellow human-being, in that same spirit of outright confessions with ourselves; and on any of the matter that had prevented us, from reaching that loving doctrine among our own fellow human-being; we would support all of these argument that we could not reach that perfect state of relationship, with one-another, as we had planned, and hoped to fulfill, in that same hospitable mind of important doctrine of peaceful existence with ourselves, as we would had thought, without knowing any of those things that illegal, to our own common philosophies of ourselves, as others would had thought; without knowing when and how to present informational skills, on all sides of the business; without not knowing when we would have to protect our data resources, over all of those need to establish that principle, vehemently, and very assuredly that we have kept each others' words and commandments, even in our own common and popular state of hospitality; even on all of those feasible exemptions of ourselves, as we would had thought, without even knowing what to see in our own common popular attitude of ourselves; without even knowing when that same of darkness, would destroy that relationship that we had developed in our selves, over all of those, and common period of time; without knowing when all of those data, would be released to the marketplace, for further future information, and possible allowance of informational selling on our own side of the business, ethical points of morality, moral standpoints; we would think that we had reached that same state of perfect peace, without necessarily having to allow that angel of peace to enter your life, as we would had thought; without knowing all of those believes that occluded our sights, in selecting them, at first-stance, and in our common backgrounds with ourselves, over all of these matter, of sinful relationship, and forbidden commitments to resources, at all angles of life; and that we have not being able to fully commit our resources to that same revenue of authenticity that we had ought to, without that further disallowance, disavow, and disopportuness of ourselves, with our fellow humankind.

The realization of our own true religion has kept us, from witnessing all of these scenes of life, without knowing how, all of these data had meant to us, in our own perceptions of the reality, at our forefront; it is true that we have not being able to open our true mouth in that same relationship that we are, even on all of those common grounding of our philosophies with ourselves, over the need to restock and resource others, on what that they are lacking in themselves; it is true that we have no truly sinned, disavowed, committed harlotry with our women, or produce that same fruit of disorders, in any of those immense aspect of ourselves, as represented on all of those sides of justice; it is true that we do not know when to ascertain the provisions of justice; we must not have organized that rebellion against ourselves, and our fellow human-figures around the world; we must not have compulsively transmitted the spread of diseases to ourselves, by intentionally dispensing it into the atmosphere; we must not have caretook all of those area that concerned our own limited just rights of intervention, for our own survival and provisions in life; we must not have continuously been that same glading and goodnews of kindness to all of those those that we had encountered around and among our future paths to success; we must not have kept reassuring ourselves, of all of those intermittent laws of secrecies that had concerned us, to this present modern period of crisis, and important provisions of wealth, to our fellow humankind, without necessarily having think against ourselves, as we would ought to, respectfully, and without needing that same space of hopeful conduct, and gladful doctrine, of important peaceful existence, among ourselves, we would ought to, and without openly confessing our secrecies to the world, as we ought to, even in that same terrible climate of disasters that had struck our grounding footprints, against all human logic, to prevent further mass destruction to our own embodying crisis of our own lifetime; and without that same spirit of affections and desires, to continue a new day of profitable efforts, and interesting journey of humanity, and its affiliated kindness, and without having to keep reiterating our own mores, norms, rights, duties, and fellow doctrines of important conduct against our own fellow human-beings; on all of these things, there are, all of those needs to provide ourselves, with that same need to keep seeing our own revelations of ourselves, in all of the entire journey of humanity, from that time forth, and henceforth, forever and ever, even in all of the future time-callings of life, without that same reason, to ground our philosophical duty, on the rights of man, and its associated kindness of wickedness against humanity, without necessarily having to know, what goods, the lord-our-god-has-install for us, in our regular day-to-day survival protection against all the adversities of life, and the encumbersome dilemma, of our own current time-period, and without knowing, which one is yours, and that which, of that which, and that which being that which, of that being that which, and that which being that which, of that which being that which, and of all of these et ceteras, amen; we must not leave that ample space, for people to follow, without that accurate sense of justice, and perplexing convoying of our own human-nature, even in that same kindness of that same need, to provide hospitality to people of all ages, who are in need, and are of multiple shots, to avoid all the distresses of life, and even without that same future telling that we had overcame, all of the abundance of the oceans, and its mightiest current of potential disobedience with ourselves, on all of these duties of mankind that had surprised, even till now, in our own common humanitarianistic confessions with ourselves, on all of the matter of time-period that had prevented us from following our callings in life; we must not keep confessing, all of those secret confessions of the spirits, against all of those that concerned over, any or all of this matter, as I would thought; it on this ground that we would have to keep reiterating that same philosophical standpoints that disagreed, with our own innate, intimate, and incarnate minds of our own being; we must not foresee the future against ourselves, without firstly, consulting with the creators of those future properties that had been of interests, unto us, and our fellow humans, even in this same desperate need, to provide, administer, concentrate our efforts on all the potential need to ensure that same needs and necessitated desires that we had with each and everyone of ourselves, monitor of our own provisions of space, on that same common items of providing for our own comforts, of audacity, and intense exemptions, from the dilemma of life, as we would had thought, awesomly, wondrously, wonderfully, interestingly, amicably, perfectly, and in any, and all of those needs to provide for all of those in relief for the poor, and the ascertaining of that future generations, for our fellow humankind; we must not detract people from following the gospel of christ, we must not think against ourselves, or of that unto us, down into dusts of the graveyard that must be sprinkled against us, to assure that same perfect hegemony that we would love that have among and with ourselves, respectively, and even in that same atmosphere of loving peaceful existence, with one-another, as we would had thought; we must not keep disobeying all the rules of our saviors, and discontinue to repermit that same selfish spirit of impudence, and all of, or all for, or all in of, or all of and in, or all of and for, and all of and in all of, and in all of, and in all of, and in all of, and in all for of all in for all in and for all, or in for all, of all in all, of all for in for of all of in all of for in all of for in all of in all of...; we must not keep omitting that same clause that we had signed ourselves to, even on much and many consistent time-period of human-segments of hope, and peaceful existence among ourselves, as we would had thought; even without having to keep destroying that same layer of peaceful coexistence that initiated our own responsive rights of humans, from that time, henceforth, till that onforth, of that time elseforth, even in that time, foreforth, even in that time, worthforth, and of that time, muchforth; we must not be of that same necessity as those atheists of modern period of foolish mistakes, and doctrines of irrational explanations, and illogical misconceptions of themselves, on all of those common mistakes that they had made, on all of those ground of logical disavow of moral, and civilian disinterests in their perfect submission to their elected, predestined, federalized government of their being and period of willed-to-meaning existence with and among each other; and without having to know, how to ultimately describe that experience that overcame our own fear and fright for each other, even on all, and on all of that same common discipline that threatened our abode of justice against each other, as we would had thought; we must not keep providing for our daily needs as if we had chosen that same religion for ourselves, and our fellow human-beings like ourselves, as if we have not being, concomitantly being depressing, our fellow human-figures, as if we had decided to keep foretelling that same grounding laws of humanity, and human-figures, and without having to destroy that same layer of peace that occluded our own common understanding with each other, as if we would not have keep pointing that same arrows of philosophical rationality against ourselves, in all of those doctrines that we had committed ourselves, over all of those period of time, even if we are lacking in justice, over all of this matter, and assuredly, I should warn you that you should avoid all those meniant disappointment of life; without having to keep providing with same feeling, of following up with ourselves, without having to race for our own professional doctrines, and moral endeavor, of our own being with our own spirit of truths and telling that are beyond, our moral aspects with ourselves, as we would had thought, and even on all of those common interests, to prepare that same kingdom for ourselves, on all of those meaningful mindsets of existence, among our fellow human-being, as we would had ought to, ourselves, even among all those common principle that defined that existence that we had with each other; and among these things, we have that kindness to exist, among each other; we must not know beyond ourselves on matters that do not concern our own brothers-keeper, in their service to that same founding structure that had preserved, our own existence, even uptil now, and all of those common grounds, of expressing our own logic, we have decided, to commit our resources to the protection of ourselves, and of our fellow humankind, without distributing our assistance, and assisting efforts, in supporting our own creational modelling of ourselves, as we had ought to, and among all of these things, we have to be of that same mindset, to people, of all generations, and philosophical standpoints, and against that same adversity that prevented us, from exploding in this place; we must not be like those original pagans, paganists, atheists, and atheistic believer of all of those times that had being against our own current period of establishing our own philosophy with ourselves; we must not be an atrocious agents of anonymity against our own philosophical beings and existence, among ourselves; we must not keep showing ourselves that same pure disrespect that is of our inclinations, and philosophical standpoints, even on all of those origination of intellectual designations of ourselves, and of our minds; we must not be of that same intellectual disgrace with ourselves, on all of those future time-telling that we had designed for ourselves, without having to keep our own source of morality as clean, and respectable doctrines, and hospitable conduct of hopeful survival with ourselves; we must not show ourselves that same necessity not to allow, our own common understanding of ourselves, on our regular day-to-day existence, with our fellow humankind; we must not disrespect our own existence, by performing false doctrines of hospitality against each other; we must not prepare against ourselves that same reason that we had not existed over that same period of time that we had counted, and encountered our failure, and philosophical unachievement in life; we must not keep showing ourselves that same spiritual disorder that had overclouded our own being with ourselves, even on all of this same reason, not to exist herein anymore; we must not be violators of our own laws and doctrines of philosophical agreements with each other, without reconciling our rights to moral standards and doctrines of hospitality; we must not show ourselves that we have future endeavors, against all those evil forces that had being against us; we must not necessitate for that same longing, and peaceful desires, to be for ourselves, without necessarily having not to disappoint people in life; we must not have to keep destroying that same holding that had held us, to our modern periodic crisis of failure i.e. as it is seen in the stock-market crashes of the days before yesterday, today, and if not actions are properly taken, of those ones that are ensuing tomorrow; we must not be of that same unjust minds of sinners, who nothing to offer, or have completely disavowed, all of those rights of human-kindness that must issued to this place, to ensure proper conduct of ourselves, on our own ethical standpoints, of morality, and moral disavow; we must not be like those evil sinners of interesting mindsets; we must not be like those criminals that are of the lord, but without proper service to humanity, and our fellow human-figure; we must not purchase, any all of those same right to provide for people, in times of need, without necessarily having to follow with each other, on things that are illegal, and inhospitable, to our own conducts of hospitable laws and doctrines of humanitarian figure of time-scaling; we must not be of that same disloyal, appraisals of attentive disallowance of civic rights, and civic duties, of unimportant feelings of immorality, and we must not be of that same stupid mindsets, against those who have nothing to offer; we must not continuously be of that same spirit to provide for ourselves, without telling against each other, and without knowing that we are what we, and nothing else; we must know what we are, and that we have not being any of those evil kindness to humanity, and our own fellow figures of hospitality, in our day-to-day existence with each other; we must not know that it is not the diseases or the disgraceful disallowances of the world that prevented our learning and absorbing of information, from all current, and common time-periods, without knowing any of those necessities that had prevented, from inheriting that same kingdom of our savior, even in of those last days of being with ourselves, even without knowing what we have indicated ourselves to be, even without thinking against, all of those justice, of our lords, even without knowing, when which we had ascribed from, even without knowing, of which is our own important aspect of ourselves, without catering for daily needs, as we ought to, or without forecasting that same shadows of unkindness against ourselves, or without providing that same logic that ruined our lives, to this current modern period of sadness, and sorrowful pains of sorrows, and laughter of intimate disasters of life, even without knowing how, on Earth, our peaceful relationship among each other, would had been known, even without thinking our world down, into trashes, even without opening our mouth in outright confessions of ourselves, even without thinking that same desperation against ourselves, even without knowing how to configure of those greatest images of our own time-beings with one-another, as one body in all of these current crisis that enlivened us to this current, modern period of success, and successful engagement with each other; and even without knowing, how to foresee that same gospel of truth, and important kindness to ourselves, as if we had been of that same unfaithful of the devil, with our own fellow humankind; even without knowing what it is that we had being doing; even if we had been committing crimes against each other, even if we do not possess that same candidacy to continue to live to our current, modern period, of fruition, and survival potentials; even if we do not consume the accurate provision of resources like our fellow human-figure; even if we do not possess, any and of those skills to prepare information to people; even if we do not outrightly disconfigure ourselves, for all of those same reason, not exist anymore; even if we do not consider our own moral rights against, any and all of those common figures of time-beings, and all of those humanitarianistic descriptions that destroyed our common presence with people, and with each; even if we do not know to proffer information from people; even if we do not know, how to ascertain, any and all of those provisions that would continue to ensure that same perfect peace with people, of all humankind; even if we do not know, how to continuously provide for all of those, who are in need and supply of resources to their common needs, and hospitable grounds of civic conductance of ourselves, without necessarily having to disappointing people, on all grounds of justice and iniquities, against people, of that same innocent heart of hopeful beyond, and of beyond hopeful, hopeful rights in ourselves, and in ourselves, hopeful rights, informational inexistence on ourselves, and on ourselves inexistence; we must not always think against that consistent upbringing that had succeeded us to this common modern period of political unrest, critical instance of personal embarrassments that altered our own existence among all of those things that are unrightful of us, even among our own inner feelings ti express our desire, wherever which, we would consult ourselves, over any, and all of those matter that concerns you, and even in our own manly expressions of our duty, to each other, respectively; and even before we begin to consider that same grounding principle, and law of logical commissions that designed our own endeavors with each other, on that same ground of philosophical truth, and moral upbringing of ourselves, and all of those that had concerned, over all of those matter that destroyed that same common confession that we had with each other; we would not think, and should not suppose that we have reached that same period of existence, without necessarily having to think, and remove that same possible suspicions of our beings, in our own self, and under same principle and doctrine that had defined us, to the current, modern period, and state of existence, and all of those interesting matter, before and at hand with us, at hand.

The most important aspect of ourselves, is on that same premise that we would had to define our own upbringing for each other, without not neglecting that same moral, normal, intuitions that had survived us, to the modern period of success; without necessarily having to provide for ourselves, as we would had thought, even on all of those matters that had constructed, one or all of those principles, of our survival; even without thinking that we had reached in that same context of providing for ourselves, appropriately and responsibly; and even without knowing, any or all of those moral conducts that uplifted us, to this modern period of successful, progressive exemptions of ourselves, with all of those that prevented our own moral upbringing, amidst all the period of failures, and turmoils of life; and without even having think against that same logical disorder that had dethroned our means of survival with each other, on all of those matters that had concerned ourselves, on all of those interesting concepts of reality, as we would had thought, and even without needing to keep providing for ourselves, as we ought to; and even without knowing any of all of those things that had upbrought us to this current success of our lives, and even without knowing what it is that had destroyed that same common affections that we had for, and with each other; on all of those matters that are at our hand; and even without having to think that we had reached, all of those time-stills that we would had labored for, during and over all of those period of years, and even without thinking that we had reached that same longing, to keep providing for ourselves, in all of those constant period of crisis, and successful endeavors with ourselves, on any and all of those matter that are at our successful hand of business and entrepreneurship, even in all of those areas that we had been concerned with, during and over all of those periods of life; without having to necessitate ourselves, to think that we had failed on all of those areas that had concerned us; without having to think that we had reached that same constant longing to provide for each other, as would and ought to, without having to know when all of our commission with ourselves had reached that same constant period of refills, and crisis, and all of those matter that had instigated us, against that same reason that we had ignored our own selves; and even on all of those matter that we had labored for, but could not reach; even on all of those needs, to provide for another we would had thought, without having to completely necessitate that same desire to keep seeing each other, as we would ought to; and without not knowing what it is that detracted that same reasons, to prove ourselves, over all of those period of time; even without needing to keep, providing for one-another, as we would had ought to, and even without knowing all of those elements that had brought our productive efforts to successful intentions of living of lifestyles, and all of those matters that had concerned our own existence with each other; and even without knowing, any of all of those matters that brought our own matter before us, in our own daily upbringing with each other, on any of those matter that concerned us, professionally, and even on all of those needs to keep providing that same ultimate joyful feelings to one-another, as we would had thought; and even without having to keep showing ourselves that same desire, to be of that same inclined mindsets with people, on all grounds of moral appraisal, and philosophical doctrine of peaceful commission of ourselves with each other; and without having to keep reiterating that same concepts of impossible doctrines of our own philosophical training of minds, with one-another, and each other, as we would had thought; and without not knowing what it is that disabled us, to this current, modern period of processive engagements with each other; on all of those matters, and right of humanity that provided for our upbringing, and conductance of minds and moral springs of comforts, on all of those things that we had labored for; even without showing ourselves that same kindness that we had labored over all of those period of times, and even in our common studying of professional praises of ourselves, on all of those matter that concerned us, to this modern period of crisis, and professional upbringing for ourselves, as we would had thought, and without having to keep, providing for that same need that we would had had; and even without having to know, what are areas of those elemental conditions that completely instigated that same reason in us, even on our moral standards of achievement, and professional success for our fellow human-beings; and even without knowing what we have to thing, and labor for, over all of those period of life; and without knowing what it is that defined our own existence with each other, on all of those moral backgrounds of philosophical training of minds, and thoughts and agendas, as we would had supposed, and even without knowing what it is that had made it possible for reaching each other, and even without not knowing, any and of those areas that had defined us, on that same common ground of philosophical training of minds, and bodily conductance of peaceful relationship among ourselves, as we would had thought, and even without knowing ourselves, respectively; and even without providing for each other, on that same grounding profession of moral disloyalty, as would had been thought, and on that common discipline of life, not knowing what are all of those elements that had defined, our common grounding commonality with each other, on that same philosophical measurements of our own success in life; and even without not knowing what it is that we should bring to our own selves, and even on any, and all of those matter that had disturbed and concerned us, over all of those period of time, when which we had proceed against that case of importing each other, on false and wrong business of duties; and without even knowing to provide for ourselves, as we ought to, and without even having to keep changing that same relationship that we would had with each other, on that same mores, norms, and professional indoctrination of peaceful coexistence, with one-another, as we would had thought; and even without knowing what it is that we should think on our own professional development with each other, on that same grounding, and philosophical intellectualization of our own selves, as people, who have provided for others, as if they just like them in their own means and method of surviving with each other, on that grounds of philosophical training of innocent minds, and extremes of polarized levels of life, proportionately; and without having to keep confessing that same reason, we would not had to attend to that common discipline, and denial of our own moral inspections of ourselves, on all of those things and matters that concerned us; and all of those things that we had endeavored our lives, selves, beings, and extremities to, throughout our period of crisis, and even in all of those professional perfections of our own being, as we would had ought to, and without having to keep importing our political rudeness, and political impoliteness, into and any of those matters that had concerned us, over all of those period of times; and even without knowing what it is that we had sacrificed for each other, over all of those period of professional commitments to each other, on that same reason, to keep professing our degrees of candidacy, and inspectional demeanor, of just and astute confessions of that same logical grounds of reasoning, and philosophical engagements of ourselves with each other, as we would had thought; and without having to keep moving ourselves, on all of those things that had provided us, without same necessities to keep showing ourselves, all of those matter that destroyed our common grounding logic for each other; and all of those, we had consecrated our own belief of ourselves, as we would ought to; and even without not knowing what it is that destroyed us to this present day crisis, of not allowing of our fruitful commission of ourselves, and even on all of those matter that had destroyed our own matter, into all of those things that destroyed our own common likeness, and candidacy for each other, and on other, we have assured our own selves, of complete production of treat-for-threat, in our own common knowledge of ourselves, as we would had thought; and before not knowing ourselves on all of those matter that had concerned our own existence with ourselves, and even without knowing what it is that we had, keep providing for each other; and without not knowing what it is that we had been looking for, in all of those mindsets that enlivened our own beings with each other, on that same definitions of our own selves, with us, on that same philosophical need to keep providing for people, in need of distress and crisis, as we would had thought; and without not knowing what it is that we had protected ourselves over, during and in all of those period of crisis, and committed prayer to all of those gods-of-host that provided, for us in our comfort and distresses with each other, and without even having to know to prevent that same crisis, from ensuing in our generation with each other; and without knowing what it is that we should keep providing ourselves, on all of these matter that had concerned us, over that same period of time that shown all of those, needs of hospitable professional indoctrination that we had to see with each other, over that same period of time, and even without not knowing, what it is we should not see from our own daily coincidence with ourselves, and on all of those needs to keep providing ourselves with that same need to see ourselves, from that moral grandpoints of professional hindrance of our own subjective, philosophical thoughts with each other, on all of those needs, to keep preventing that same crisis, from ensuing against ourselves, as we would had ought to; and even without knowing to keep committing ourselves, and resources to that same need to intend our own need, to ascertain that kingdom of our savior, as we would ought to, respectively; and even if it is for all of those consistent, common crisis that we had reached on all of these matter, then that consistent consideration would had to be kept to keep reminding ourselves that we are more than conquerors, through that christ that had strengthened us; as we would had projected our own philosophical training of our own minds, for each other, and all of those philosophical distinctions that we would had to keep placing in our own minds, and in all of those professional demeanor that would keep destroying, our common foreboding for that peace of mind that settles all, of our understanding, and in that fact, we have consecrated our selves and extremes of human duties of life, with that same inner feeling to keep providing for ourselves as we ought to; and without even, having to know that same reason that we had defined ourselves on, over all of those multiple periods of time; and without even, not forsaking that same reason, and rational importance that destroyed that same longing for our own selves, as we would had thought; and without even having to know, how to decipher our common ways of living with each other, on the same grounding logistical, philosophical modalities of life, to keep providing for ourselves, as we would had ought to, and without even having to know, how to discern that intimate, and important mindsets that defined us to these, and that modern, current period of fruition and successful encountering of ourselves, on all of those matter that computed our own yearning, and interesting need for each other, on all of those matter that had destroyed our own selves, as we would had thought; I should not think that we had being reaching our own extremes on all of those disgraceful conducts, of our own hospitable policies for ourselves, and that we had not been seeing ourselves, as we had ought to; and even if we have not committed our resources to following, and pursuing all of those dreams, of inhuman human neglection of resources, and dutiful existence with ourselves; and without even, having to know how much we have been defining our own existence, with each other, even on all of those matters that had concerned us, as we would ought to think; and even without having to keep reminding ourselves, and even without not knowing to keep foretelling that needs, wants, and necessities of providing for each other in need, as we would had ought to, and even without not knowing what it is that we should be doing, and even without not committing our own resources to ourselves, on even, on all of this matter that had concerned us; and even without not knowing how keep existing among each other; and even without not being able to keep providing for ourselves, as should keep doing; and even without not knowing, any and all of those components of the matter that destroyed our own common longing for each other, as we would had ought to; and even without fully commissioning our own religious doctrine, over that same need to profess the salvation of the lord, against us, and in our own morality, aspects, and walks of lives; and without not knowing, what it is that had destroyed our own common longing for each other, on all of those matters, and failed unsuccessfulness that had completely destroyed that same habitats that we had with each other, over all of those period of time, even in our own atmospheric longing and commitments for our own fellow individuals, as we would had ought to, and even without thinking that we had reached that same consistent, mindsets that we had set for each other, on all of those matter that had concerned all of those period of time, as we would had ought to think, and even without, necessarily to having propose that same ugly algorithms against our kindness, and all of our other provisions of faith, as we would had ought to, and even without necessarily having to keep committing our own resources to that same moral consumption of our unlawful provisions of wealth, on that same grounding philosophical reason, to provide that debilitation and survival provisions, for one another, as we would had thought; and even without knowing, what it is that had prevented our own successful engagements with each other, and of those matter that kept us, from achieving our resourceful candidacy of life, and its assuring attentive intentions to philosophical training of minds and spirits, appreciatively; and even without knowing any, and all of those reasons that had prevented our own insertions of ourselves, and without completely keeping our own assurance for our selves, on all of those matter that are before us, and in our hands, and all of those duties that had prevented, our philosophical training, and provisional engagements with each other, on all of those rights, mores, and interesting perceptions of our own interesting, logical exemptions of ourselves with each other; and even without knowing what it is that prevented us from destroying that same common groundwork that had disturbed us, over all of those period of time, and without having to keep assuring ourselves, of those surviving potentials, to provide for ourselves, as we had ought to, and even without needing to keep thinking ourselves, to that desperate and ultimate, points of our own failures in life, even when we have not being supplying ourselves, with all of those information, from ensuring our own survival and possible potentials; and without having to keep committing our own resources; and even without necessarily having to keep showing ourselves, our own basic ongoing likeness of that same professional grounding of philosophical thoughts of disgraces that destroyed our own common groundwork with each other, as we would had ought to, and in all of these consistent provisions of ourselves to that same necessities and desires of life, as we would had thought, and even without knowing all of those things that prevented us, from following each other, on that same grounding logical principle of our own existence among ourselves; and even without having to keep providing for our survival provisions, as we would had thought, and wished, in all of these modern crisis; and without having to keep ensuring that same survivals that we had known overtime, throughout history, and on that same reasonable assumption of our own selves with each other.

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