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Aransiola Fakorode

The Foreboding Stock Market Crisis

The enthroning of modern methods of communication overtime, and over much and, quite to say, many periods of time, has changed, the way, we provide for people, in distresses, and in need for places to stay, regardless of the same actual, impossible doctrines of the world, and of mankind, everywhere in the universe. I should state, simply and blatantly that we have assumed, all those seats of mercy, and opportunities, to all those, who are in need, and wants of places to be; it is not that we have refused to obey the commandments of ourselves that had rendered us incapable of living with our fellow human beings, appropriately; it is that we had, infact, disassumed all the candidacy that the world would place, at our forefronts, and foothold and -hills; to describe ourselves on all those ground of principles and logic, is as much as being a ridicule to oneself, on the opportunistic way of attending to royalistic justice of peace and natural existence, of another fellow human being and humankind, in need and in desperate attention of understanding, of the global economy, and world of reserve information and interesting results. The detaining of information, from many angles of living and co-studying with people, of all moral backgrounds, and philosophical training, has rendered us in capable of existing by ourselves, and by each other, appropriately. I have provided to people in distress period, even when times are unripe, and are in important need for accurate justice and truth; when loyalty is a failure of tomorrow, and all we have to seek and search for, is the debacle and dilemma of today, of the current time, of the period of wanting and needing, of the position of common method of assembling people, over much and widest acres of land and capitalistic resource area of assembling massive amounts of objects, as described in capitalism laws of multiple doctrines and interests, over matter, as ascertained, and adjudicated, previously. I do not think that matter has been resolved before hands, even before this common period of individualistic allocation of resources and partitioning of responsibilities to each other, respectively; I would not state that it is wrong to destroy, without reserving moral rights, and proper conducts for people of all ages, without showing all those interesting phenomenons to perceive our global economical standpoints, at all aspect of lives, considerably; it is that when we proceed from this ethics and doctrines, we would, of course and definitely, educate ourselves over the need to produce our possible mindsets and thankful wishes of the stage of the universal rights of man, on his own laurel of opportunity, and disavow of embodying rights and figurative expressions of ourselves.

The technicalities of the matter before hands, has not made outright confessions of ways that we would approach people, distinctively; the need to see, is almost, as all of those ones to learn, design, dedicate, proclaim, compensate, conform ourselves to the common principle that had guarded our paths, in our everyday rights and forms of justice of surviving, and maintaining each other, and our existing and embarrassing cases of disciplines and doctrines, of modern standards and glories, affectionately to the world, without leaving any space for settling conflicts of all moral backgrounds, and philosophical trainings and modifications of human rights over the matter, at hand. I should state, desperately, that the matter before, is extremely over-gravitating my longing for another gods-of-host, other than those, who had destructively advocate for my suicide, without any terroristic implications, on all standard of measurements, as further assured. We would state that is not that if it is not for our gods-of host with us, then how could we have being, nor if it is not for our gods-of-host with, how could not have we not being; rather, it is that we have ensured the amendments of civic disciplines and rights of all moral backgrounds and philosophical training of minds and mindly affections of one another, in the same instance that we have created, one-another, appropriately; it is not that we do not know what to say people, when confronted with irrealisitic measurements of the same justice of peace, and possible professions of studies; it is not that we have inherited the accumulated rights to the information of the republicans and democrats of national assembly and consensus, or those who do not have the interesting need to go and see each other, everyday as I would ascertain, even now, and desperately; not that we do not know, what we are saying, or how we have overcame, all the mightiest storms of life, regarding of the origins that they stem from; not that we do not know what we are stating to people, regardless of their doctrines to people; not that we do not what they saying everyday; not that we are saying that they are of utmost importance to the way we have conducted ourselves; not that we do not know what we have being saying to people on all platforms, and hospitable conducts of survival; not that we do not know, how to measure data parsing among the inhabitants of the Earth; not that we do not know, how to support and provide for people, times of need and stress; not we do not know, how to measure common inputs over resources; not that we do not know, how ensure proper readiness of people in times of emergency, for people creation of things, appropriately; not that we do not know, what to say to people, when we do not see them; not that we do not know, what they are earning in their day-to-day administration of power to each other; not that we do not know, what to conceive of all those that failed in the past.

The need to ensure the same discipline among the people, who have install the same necessity, to provide for all the inhabitants, as being a welcoming, and glorious designation of professional conducts, and glories, on all aspects of audacity, amicableness, attentive affection, accepting dilemmas of life. The need to foresee and forecast our future profits, has pushed us to the edge of laboring, and scattering for all the goodies and tidies of our worlds, and commercial, perfect ecological systems of deciphering information from people, and all the inhabitants, in their respective places, regardless of their rights to justice, without the need to design another means of confessing showcases to people, of all moral aspects, and aridity of love and disappointing results of conducts, and professional disgraces, and procrastination, regardless of how much it takes to have being earning our descent respect, in our day-to-day delight with each other; I would state that the need to prove more doctrines, and philosophies over human rights, and technical engagements with each other, has ascertained us, to our daily provisions, of our own protective right for people, even without mentioning the allocations of information, and wealth status of the world, incredibly. I would say that people should not perform their justice; I would state that the justice of the world is designed to violate all human principles, code of conduct and ethical standards of morality, and respective discipline; that we could not afford for our longing and engaging desires of the heart of beyond; that we do not know how appropriate, tokens of mercies and joys, to all those hearts that are ease, and in lack and desperation of justice, and provisions of wealth and resources, over a much disappeared period of time; it is not that we could not triumph over all the goods and necessities of modern men of those periods of terrible crisis, and outrighted confessed catastrophic destruction of unlimited resources of the world, even in the habituation and modern technique of seizing information against all those destroyers, who have invalidated, our own common goals of orientations, and despicable results of professional maturation, and mindly attention to details, and proper code of ethical standards of civic disavow, and debateful inundations with opportunistic return to hopeful truth, and inconclusive merciless mortification of the people, and their resources. The general interests that we have in people, has being of immense importance of all those period of ages, when which information releasal has completely blindfolded, the knowledge that we have with one-another; when which, the place that we have chosen to meet on-another, has been completely destroyed and altered, due to human needs and wants, without the destroying encumbersomeness of the disintegrating renditions of the modern human spheres; when which, we do not astutely warrants our own way into the universal system of communicating with one, even in the common outline of our own method of assuring, insuring, ascertaining, our mechanism of of extending and prolonging our lives, on all modern mechanisms of interesting elaborations of intuitive designations and distrustful disobedience, to all of mankind against any wicked keeping and hiding of information form people, in their attempts at Black Box Modelling that would have ensued in the upcoming periods of crisis, in our lives; when which, we would not be able to supply accountability on our own sides of moral upbringing, and stationed standards of achievement, and immorality, from all philosophical, and common ground of understanding people, respectively; when which, we would need to provide ourselves with justice clause to judge ourselves in court; when which, we would not need to support our colleagues, at their workplaces, in all manners and modes of living and sustaining each other; when which, we would not provide for our own common upbringing and affective elaboration on each other, interestingly; when which, we would not see each and every one of ourselves, as true and peaceful keeper of our true and honest religion of the world, in all manners and actualities, of existence and memorial longing to exist with people, regardless of how they have been treated in the past; when which, we would state that if it is not for our common understanding of people, we would not have proffered the ultimate methods of providing for, and foretelling the manners and necessary privilege, and sustaining amendments of the world, even in our own global commitments to each other, adequately; when which, the utterly desperation of our own being, would have hid us below the climbing waves of ocean of disgraces and embarrassing phenomenons, of disappointing results, even in our own marketable standard of achieving results of all manners of existing, and redacting papers and penning of information, across the global-wide relay of information, and unnecessary instigation, litigation, liquidation, and destruction, of all the toxic compounds of our beings, definitely; when which, we would provide that the need to see people, is not in the necessity that we have chosen for ourselves, but rather in the debacling way that we have measured our inputs over the years, especially during those times, when which we must decide for ourselves, on how to prolong the installing of data systems, and information media of the people, in an assuming rights of mankind of us, and our fellow neighbor and brothers in the lords-of host, as I would state and mention to the people, respectively; when which, I would not think to people, on all moral backgrounds and philosophical training of minds, and interesting intellectual conformation to our own understanding of ourselves; when which, we would not know how to mingle with one-another, as we had done in the past; when which, we would not know, when to approach people, when they are in distress and comforts; when which, we would know, what to say to people, of all philosophical backgrounds and educational levels of intelligence; when which, we would not know, when to speak to people without necessarily having to disturb their quietude and inquietude; when which we would not known when to come and go out for them; when which, we would not know, when to say to the people, goodbye, and forovermore, no more return to my land, herein, and always forever, amen; when which, we would need to proceed the possible means and strategies of designing for people at all times, regarding on how to decipher the allotment of duties, and procedural distention, of peace and committed philosophy among all the people of the land; when which, we would not know what to say to people, when the elements of live is going wrong and bad; when which, we would not know when to provide information to people, respectively; when which, we would not know, when to introduce ourselves, recognizably to our fellow human beings, and mankind alike; when which, we would destroy, even that same common doctrine that we have for ourselves; when which, we would not demonstrate that same reasons to be with people, at all those last times of the end-of-things; when which, we would not know when prepare data measurements of population wide analysis, and forecasts of results; when which, we would not proceed with further engagements with one-another; when which, we would not see ourselves for that same longing and confession of mindsets that we have prepared ourselves for, in our past records, with all our friends and beloved ones; when which, we would not think ourselves to destruction, but to the same hell of disacceptance that we would constructed for ourselves, over all those period of times; when which, the reason that people have refused to obey all the words and instructions of people, over much and plenty period of time, has completely disrendered our own necessitations for each other; when which, we would have to project the same need to conform with our own rules and regulations, regardless of the need to protect our own justice, inalienable rights, judgemental projections, technical affirmations of our own beings and doings; when which, we would have to defame all those members of the periodic kingdoms of darkness that are always, inhabiting our own functioning of our own selves; when which, we would not have to continuously disdain our fellow mankind in their habitual upbringings, and conductal consultations with our own others, as much as if we had destroy that same categorization that had foster our results of modernization, until now and even forever ever, the total congregation, should say amen; when which, we would consistently project our own longings and needings to people, without having to necessarily promote that atmosphere of importance to ourselves, in our day-to-day meeting of one another; without necessarily to having destroyed that same bed of peace and comforts that we had set apart for our own laurel and possible settling in life; when which, we would have to think to people that we are more than conquerors, as we have further suggested and forecasted; when which, we would say to people of justice that it is the best way to provide to all those that are in need; when which, we would not have to think twice to proclaim the kingdom of gods-of-host, to all those, who are laboring and heavily laden for them to give them, rest; when which, we would not have think against, all those, who we would have desperately needed in times of distresses and sicknesses; when which we would have to think that life has designed its own level of confirming results to people of all platforms, and all moral backgrounds; when which we would say that we have what we do not have, for others to design their own sphere of influence; when which, we would say that its not that we have chosen it that had made us survive, but other than that same need to conform our own existence with one-another; when which, we would profess our own kindness and mercy to people, in our own day-to-day love-affairs; when which, we would have to project our want desires to people,without thinking them to an end; when which we would have to prepare ourselves for the last day of justice; when which, we would need to show that we have all the needs of the worlds in our own hands, and always that the world is ours,, as it is mine; when which, we would not have to prepare ourselves against unnecessary adversities of lives, when which we would not have to destroy that common code of ethics that had governed our own intimate closeness with ourselves, and others alike in that same religion of comfort and peace, and audacity and perspicacity; when which, we would have to say that the need to meet each other is a process to our own official rules, routines, regulations, and legalistic laws and orders, even in our own professional relationships with each other; when which, we would always see ourselves as brothers and sisters in christ-jesus-our-lord-and-savior; when which, we would not have to continuously prepare false cases for others to minster unto us, other than our own important personnel in that same kingdom of justice, and concomitant professional arenas of lives; when which, we would not have to think others down, at their own justice for people and each other; when which, we would not need to think twice before proceeding to our modern, everyday, daily business agendas on the rights and confessions of man, and their mindsets alike; when which, we would not have think desperately to destroy our own beings, even on an affordable rights and doctrines, of our own beings with people, of all generations, inclusively; when which, we would have to state that it is the need to meet people that makes us know ourselves, respectively; when which, we would have to say that it is not what we are doing that is wrong against our kingdom of mercy and just peace, with one another; when which, we would have to state that we do not forsake each other, as we had known ourselves; when which, we would have to confess to people, without necessarily having to think against ourselves; when which, we would need provide more information on all philosophical backgrounds, considerably; when which, we would have to provide ourselves with that same need for peace and a gentle state-of-mind; when which we would need to proclaim the gospel of truth according to our own righteousness, for our selves as living and embodying indoctrinator, of that same glorious day to see another person, in that same seat of merciful justice, avocation, tenancy, temerity, tactical abrogation and advocacy for unworthful swearing of disgusting mercies, impotencies, inclination to oneself, toxic consumption of protected areas of lives, and an interesting ideology of mind of extreme mindset that has more meaning, than that others around the world without the ignoring of the justice system, behind it, in all authenticity and common business influence, and awareness of our own possibilities with each other, appropriately.

I would forecast this weather that being that it is important to have ascertained all the necessary importance to our designations, and proper mores and concepts of ourselves; it is not that we had refused information, quite to say, but that we do not know how to promote our uplifting of our own souls, regarding the matters before hand, even to now when our own disturbance, and current period of crisis and knowledgeable matters before hand; I should say that we have reached one of the most desperate point of human need and welfare and desires, and that it is our own affections for ourselves, even in that same projections of our own delights, and interesting technical of common background origins, and procedural impossibilities, and philosophical training of minds, for further future commission to educational interests, and other important business of the time, when adjudicated and introduced. I should mention all the importance of life, from their beginnings to endings, and almost closest to that period of informational loss, in their lives; I would not state that is completely wrong for people to develop their sense of justice, but that when there is no more suffering, then there should be more concentration, on all those areas that of important interests to us; even if it means that we should not compromise, our own daily focusing on each other, and other alike, even when we would not produce those places of toxic substances, and 'environs' of sadness to our own programmatic disturbances of life, regardless of situational scenarios that we would find ourselves, even when we would not possibly think that people, are of all those mindsets that had favored us, upto this current period and season of disgrace and confessing preponderance of disquietude and disinquietude, even in all manners, and respite of life. I should state that it is not because we had made it count that had disappointed us, but over that same much need to produce the blessings of ourselves from each other, without necessarily having to remove that same place, of glorious embarking on our own fellow human beings; when there is not much to hope for, we would have to proceed to the needing of something that are desperate to our own beings and bodily wanting and needing for ourselves, and each other, as ascertained, by our degree of mercies and professionalism; I should state that I am not of that religion, as you would have thought, neither am I of all those name-callings that had been placed against, over all those period of years of suffering and discomforting blissful sanctification of the glory of the lord in us; for not being, having, to project that same need and want to all those, who had labored for the same kingdom seat, as we would had chosen and presupposed; for not being that much nicest to people, even when common, current times of living and endeavors, are required on our parts; when we do not need any other things to project against our own need to proceed the upcoming worthiness on information production of palatable attentions to people's needs and wants; when we would not necessarily have to deduce that same bad need to destroy our commonalities with each, as if they never existed before hand; having not to have recognized all the potentials that would have allowed us, to live unto this current period of mankind history, when losses are more rampant in the data places, and market professions, when lives cost not much, but at a sudden need of dollars, and informational projections, when we would have to instill that same moral discipline, into each and every one of us; when we would have think that morality has become a need, other a necessity to show what people are looking for, in our own modern life; when we would have to describe to ourselves in more words, than in number, that we have all the perfect alimonies and amenities of life, even before the time-beings that they were designed, and readvocated to people, in need of common, accurate, method of weighing and measuring justice proclamation and professional rendering of all those atrocities that we had encountered, along our fights and battles with each other, not to state in our one-on-one modern day-of-living of life; when we would rejoice, and be exceedingly glad that the immaculate lords-of-hosts, have rescued us against all those endangering conditions of life, even in the still encroaching period of crisis: in the due rain and early morning sunshine that would overcome our turmoils-of-war and failures of life, in which we had lived, not so greatful, and glorious combats of enemies, against all those, who do not discern that same need for themselves, even when all the bells of the world, are closed to our atmospheric skies of callings, and miraculous undertakings of common isolation of grounding justice, and forbidden destruction of that same thing that had produced our own mastercopies of ourselves, even as interims and extremes of corporations, and their duties thereof, even when we had refused to place our own desires against those climbing that had lifted us, thus this far, even if it is the same pointing of subjectives that had produced our objective longing for ourselves, without necessarily having to reduce our own common aspects of existence, among each other, even when all those ones are continuously ambushing us against our own existence among ourselves, even when there is not much to see and know, other than the need to profess our topical interests and desires to people, and even when the story of mankind, had proceeded from our own generational conductance of truthful statements without irrelevant attack, against all moral backgrounds of training peaceful information loss of profits, and that is just all we have compensate ourselves for, regarding the disgraceful conducts of disorders that had destroyed our common, and \popular structures that we had we with one-another, each other, all of us, in total commonality on all those same indoctrination of the same protocols against our thankful, philosophical,, living, of a moral and just life, without merciful doctrines of disgraces, and embellishing sadness of untruthful disavocations of justices, cruel-kindness-for-a-mean-wonder as is important-love-desire-is-to-our-own-potential-indoctrination-of-ourselves.

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